Sunday, December 6, 2015

New job

I started this blog the day after I decided to begin a career transition, so that would be May 12th of this year. It's been six months and 23 days since then, and I have to say that things have gone just about as smoothly and quickly as they could have gone.

Last Friday, the 4th of December, I signed a work agreement to be a data scientist at a consulting company starting in January. They work with media and technology companies to better market their products. The company has a great culture and some very smart people, and I'm extremely excited to start. I now feel comfortable calling myself a professional data scientist.

The question now is what to do with the blog. It was intended to serve two purposes: build a portfolio, and help other people with a similar transition by talking about my experience. The former goal seems moot now, and I only need a few more posts to talk about the latter. I think the most likely thing is that I'll finish those posts and then start a new blog about data in general.

Specifically, I'm interested in the culture of data science and how it relates to research science. I would like to become a voice in the community, but I'm not sure yet what I have to say. Let's find out.


  1. you probably should changes "voice in the community" to "Voice in The Community".
